Sunday, March 27, 2011

Making exercise fun

I have realized that exercise for me has always been easy because the sports and games that I play are fun. I reap all the benefits of exercise and have a great time doing it. So after reading this article I acknowledged how easy it is for me. Many other people constantly worry about their weight and health. They try and go to the gym to walk or run on a treadmill. But continuous trips to the gym are uneventful and boring. Exercising should be fun and beneficial. If flat out running is something that you enjoy then I'm not knocking it. But if your just running because you're told that "it's good for you" then maybe you can find an activity that entertains you and gives you the advantages of running. The writer of the article, Su Reid suggests swimming, pattleboard or kickball. These are sports that are not commonly seen on TV but are fun and different from the well known broadcasted ones. The list goes on and on. The one thing that Su Reid preaches is that you don't stop at one form of exercise. Persistence will be needed in order to find the right game or activity. When you do find something you like and enjoy practice will lead to you getting better. The whole message of the article is to have fun while exercising. 

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